First Post

OMG, finally! That is really what first has to be said. FINALLY! I FINALLY started my blog. Honestly this should have happened maybe 6-12 months, really even 1.5 years ago. I have loved fashion since I was 6 years old(before I even knew really what "fashion" was). I've been following fashion blogs and fashion youtubers for like 5-6 years now, and for some reason I just thought it was impossible for me to do it? Like, they were so good that I could never get to their level so it was best not to try. But I told myself back in December that 2015 would be the year I start my own fashion blog, and although I may feel like I'm not 100% ready, now's a good a time as ever to start it. Tumblr and Instagram are good platforms for inspiration but a blog is my own space where I can put down my vision and my tastes and share it.

Exciting things will be on the blog later this year and I'm so excited. I'm grateful too because this blog will help drive my motivation and keep me focused. No more waiting around! This year I must remember to be productive. I want to work in the fashion industry and I have to try to immerse myself more in it to help me figure out where in the industry I will be. I always lament that I can't do anything fashion-wise because I live in boring North Carolina but its time to be PROACTIVE,POSITIVE, and PRODUCTIVE. I'm not where I want to be yet but working at Dillard's and starting this blog are pretty good starts I suppose and I'm excited to see what the future holds for my career and for my blog in the next year.


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